New York City, July 8, 2018 - The NY City Transit Authority briefly
resurfaced back to the ‘good old days’ when it operated the vintage ‘B type’
Standards (#2390-2391-2392) and D type Triplex (#6095) articulated subway
cars on excursion. It should be noted that these cars never operated together
in revenue service.The trip began at 10 am in the new Second
Avenue line’s 96th Street terminal and ran to Coney Island’s Stillwell Avenue
Terminal via the ‘Q’ Brighton line. After the train patrons visited the famous
boardwalk and other attractions, they re-boarded the train at 4 pm for the trip
back into Manhattan via the ‘F’ Culver to disembark on the 8th Avenue
line near 207 Street Yard.
Photo captions:
NYC Transit operated a vintage subway train from the
96th Street station on the 2nd Avenue line and ran as a non-stop 'super
express' to Coney Island via the
Brighton line in Brooklyn. The train’s consist
was 1917 'B-type' Standards and 1927 ‘D-type’ triplex.
'D-type' triplex #6095 at Stillwell Avenue terminal before heading into
Manhattan via the F Culver line. It brought up the markers as the Coney
Island amusement area is in the background.
Photos and story by Joseph M. Calisi ©2018 All Rights Reserved