Thursday, October 21, 2010

Political Dirty Tricks In New Rochelle

As President Obama said two years ago prior to the election, "It's silly season." New Rochelle is no different.

On Tuesday October 19th, silly season was revealed once again. Some time during that day, a Susan Kettner campaign sign was place directly in front of Cynthia Lobo's sign in southern New Rochelle. Kettner's sign was placed there without the permission of the homeowner. Kettner and Lobo are both vying for City Judge.

When I spoke to the homeowner she said, "Kettner's sign a foolish waste of signage and I threw it in the trash. I realize she's desperate. How can you want to be a judge and be uncomfortable around people as we saw in a Youtube video. If they put up another one, it's going wind up in the same place as the first one, the trash."

You can't make this stuff up, but this time, they're busted.

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